Friday, November 26, 2010

Blog Introduction - Climbing America

Happy Thanksgiving!
As I am writing my first post, I am on a plane about to land in California for the first time. Aside from seeing my friends, and the pacific ocean, the one thing I am most excited about is climbing a small relatively unknown mountain called Bishop Peak in San Luis Obispo.
My name is Tyler Ventrella. By no means am I hardcore mountaineer (although someday that may change). I'm just an ordinary person with an extraordinary passion for the outdoors. I enjoy pretty much anything that gives me the excuse to travel, meet new people, and be outside. So when I first discovered mountain climbing, I instantly knew that it will become a lifelong hobby of mine.
I started this blog for a couple reasons. The first is to tell my stories. Every time I climb, something interesting happens. Whether it's meeting someone on the trail, getting caught in adverse situations, or getting out of challenging situation, they all provide a unique tale that can only happen on the trail. I want to share my stories to help you get a feel for the mountains Ive climbed, and also for your enjoyment.
The second is to share information and photos as a guide for you. A lot of the mountains I climb are off the radar. It is often difficult to get accurate information about many these places, so I want to put those questions to rest. I will try my best to give you parking info, trail info, hazards, and how to avoid places that might get you confused. I am also going to provide you (to the best of my ability) an assessment on the difficulty of the climbs (based on someone that is in average shape).
Being from Connecticut, most of the mountains I post will be from the New England area. I am planning to move to Colorado eventually, and will have an opportunity to climb out west.
In addition to mountains, Ill also post blogs about various places I travel. Its another passion I have, so I feel its important to include it in this blog.
So sit back and enjoy! I encourage you to visit my site often, and post your comments or questions. I also want you to feel free to remark on any mistakes I make, or any additional information I may have missed. Some of the mountains I describe early on are ones that I have not visited in a few years, which means things might have changed.
Ill leave you with a couple shots I took of the green mountains of Vermont on Halloween, unfortunately no opportunity to climb on this weekend.

Colvin Hill Road Danby, VT

Rutland, VT

Colvin Hill Road Danby, VT 
Danby, VT

Danby, VT Near Rt. 7

Sunday, November 14, 2010